Heart and Soul

4 RescueS

silhouette of a k9
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Copyright 2023 - Verve Driven Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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paw prints with sketch heart

Heart and Soul 4 Rescues

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Blue Official Facebook Logo Social Media Icon

My name is Rai, and I'm the fortunate Dog Dad to the three most spectacular Chihuahuas possibly ever to walk the planet. Waffle, Cocoa, and Sky make up My Crew.

Waffle was abused prior to joining the family as a three-month-old puppy. Despite thirteen fantastic years with him, he still shows signs even now, of some of the after effects. For this and so many other reasons, I have a huge place in my heart for any organization who helps animals with the horrible experiences and situations too many animals endure before they even reach a foster home or shelter. Some of my previous dogs survived abusive situations and neglect, and with these organizations needing help everywhere, I had to do something.

I created this podcast and blog to help rescue organizations and shelters across the U.S., and the hopeful animals in their care, waiting for their forever person or family. I also want to provide ways to help these organizations and specific animals with urgent needs as much and as often as possible.

This is not just a cause I am passionate about because it is important, it is personal to me. I expect changes in the world and never give up. I always fight and advocate for those most in need of a voice. My goal is to spark a light inside you and present the world a little differently, because I believe we can save dogs and other animals, one animal at a time.

AboUt rai & The Crew

Copyright 2023 - Verve Driven Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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Christmas Art Abstract Background on Blue.


Pink Heart Illustration
Pink Heart Illustration

Choose a number to donate a shelter wish list item

These items ship directly to the Estill County Animal Shelter in Ravenna, KY..

Cute Brown Dog Tilting Head
Corgi Dog Cutout

Copyright 2023 - Verve Driven Media, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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paw prints with sketch heart
Yellow Blob Shape

Heart and Soul 4 Rescues

Matisse Element
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Dog Plays

with Rai

Copyright 2023. Verve Driven Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Brown Australian Shepherd Dog Puppy
dog paw , animal paws
Group of 5 Cats in a Row : Norwegian, Siberian and Persian Cat

At least 25% of all proceeds go to rescues and shelters across the U.S.

Without action, nothing changes.

Together, we can

save the animals.

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Copyright 2023. Verve Driven Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

For Sale order now icon
Red Carpet and Gold Barriers with Red Rope
Buildable Stagelight Element Spotlight

Heart and soul 4 rescues presents

electric bulbs billboard, retro light frame for text with red background

foster & rescue


Golden Christmas Star Ornament
Golden Christmas Star Ornament

Do you have the world’s cutest, funniest, or even grouchiest foster or rescue dog or cat? The spotlight is waiting for your spectacular animal photos & videos! Your animal could be featured in upcoming media to help raise awareness for animals in need, and shelters & rescue organizations throughout the U.S.

Golden Christmas Star Ornament
Golden Christmas Star Ornament
Flash Icon
Flash Icon

Without action, nothing changes. Together, we can save the animals.